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IPS Cascais British International School

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School subjects

We follow the National Curriculum of England that is adapted to an international context. 

Our pupils enjoy a skills-based curriculum focused on developing the whole child. We believe that a great education ensures both excellence and enjoyment. Children love their lessons while being continually challenged and supported to the next learning stages.


Our curriculum is cohesive, child-centred, and delivered in English by native speakers. We believe in building knowledge, skills, and understanding through inquiry and open-ended learning within a structured and stimulating framework. 

Lessons are taught through carefully planned programmes that link curriculum areas to provide a rounded and meaningful learning experience for all pupils.

The curriculum is broad and balanced whilst ensuring that core subjects are emphasised as the foundations for future development. 

Core Subjects

Foundation Subjects




Design and Technology










Physical Education

  Art and Design
  PSHE / Global Citizenship

Additional Modern Foreign Language

In Year 7, pupils are given a taster for one term of a new modern foreign language: This consists of French in Term 1 followed by Spanish in term 2.

From Term 3 of Year 7 onwards, pupils then choose their preferred language option, which they will then develop in the coming years. 

Core subjects

History and Geography

These subjects are taught using varying topics and themes during the year and become more in-depth as children get older and develop a more comprehensive and considered understanding.


  • Provokes curiosity about the past and how it influences the present. Pupils will develop a chronological framework for their knowledge of significant events and people from the past. They see the diversity of human experience, find evidence, evaluate and reach their own conclusions.


  • Provokes questions and gives answers that help children make sense of their surroundings and the wider world. They develop knowledge of places and environments, locally and throughout the world. Geography inspires them to think about their own place in the world, their values, their rights, and their responsibilities to others and the environment.


Design and Technology, Computer Science, Digital Literacy (DL), and Information Technology (IT) are taught creatively and linked with other curriculum areas.

Design and Technology

  • Stimulates originality and encourages a practical capability in design and making/building and evaluating products.


  • Taught from Reception onwards in a specially-resourced computer suite. Information Technology (IT) and Digital Literacy (DL) support other subjects across the curriculum. Electronic whiteboards are used by all classes together with electronic programmable toys. iPads are also widely used to support learning across the school.


The main additional language offered within the curriculum is Portuguese. We have many Dutch and Flemish-speaking families and consequently offer Dutch lessons to their children.



  • The creative nature of music is explored through singing and instrumental work to develop a love and appreciation of this subject. A specialist music teacher works with all classes, Foundation Stages onwards. Private lessons in a variety of instruments are available.

Art and Design

  • Specialist Art teachers introduce various techniques and materials and encourage children to experiment with their work. They can study and appreciate the works of well-known artists.

Very much a cross-curricular subject, Art supports other areas of learning. As well as displaying work within the school, exhibitions give children the satisfaction of their artwork being admired by a wider audience.

And to feed the mind, we also believe in a healthy body ...

Physical Education (PE)

  • PE is taught as an essential part of the curriculum. The programme includes athletics, gymnastics, and team games. Physical education also aims to promote a healthy lifestyle attitude for children.
  • We participate in inter-school matches and sports festivals both locally and further afield.

Learning support and extension

A team of additional teachers is on-hand to support classroom teachers as necessary with a variety of individual needs. We have high expectations for all children, and with the help of these additional teachers, pupils are given the opportunity to perform to the best of their ability, whether needing support and/or extension. 


Educational standards at the school are very high, with results well above age-related expectations e.g., in June 2022, 92% of pupils met expected levels in English and 94% in Mathematics at the end of Y6 in external standardised tests. Of these, 57% in English and 50% in Mathematics achieved significantly above the expected levels.