Learning and teaching
Our pupils benefit from excellence in British-style education with dedicated support from caring, innovative teachers who ensure each individual is inspired to succeed and supported to thrive.
The curriculum at IPS Cascais
As a Globeducate British International School, our pupils will become global citizens of the future.
Learners can follow their educational journey with us from Foundation Stage to Secondary School. We aim to ensure children get the most from our unique community, leaving us with skills and lifelong values to achieve their full academic and personal potential.
Our inspiring program is based on the National Curriculum of England until Year 11. Teaching is tailored to each individual and designed to deliver meaningful lessons, allowing children to think creatively, consolidate knowledge, and discover the world through practice and experience.
We enable children to become skilled communicators and problem solvers and to work well with others.
Classroom teachers deliver all subjects except for Music, Art, Physical Education, Computing, and Portuguese, which are all taught by specialists.
Four purposes underpin our educational mission:
Our pupils have inquiring minds and a love of learning. They are determined in their work and strive for the highest standards they can achieve. They are open to new ideas, think creatively, and can apply what they have learned in a wide range of contexts.
Our pupils have self-confidence and self-respect. They exhibit physical, mental, and emotional well-being. They build strong relationships with others and develop their own opinions and beliefs.
Our pupils demonstrate respect, empathy, and compassion for others. They are committed to supporting their community in school, at home, and in the wider world. They build an understanding of the world and establish their role within it. They are environmentally conscious and socially active. They are principled and develop informed ethical views.
Our pupils exhibit an enterprising attitude and the ability to think outside the box. They show persistence, resilience, and determination. They work effectively in partnership with others and by themselves. They think critically about issues, apply their thinking to solve problems, and create new concepts and ideas.
Our Attitudes & Attributes
A central part of our school experience is the development of 18 essential life skills identified in consultation with staff and pupils.
Our Attitudes and Attributes are broad and all-encompassing - and form a structured personal, social and emotional programme across the school. They help pupils to become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens, and innovative contributors.
Attitudes & Attributes awards
This approach is linked to our behaviour policy, with points awarded for pupils actively demonstrating the qualities, leading to awards over the course of the year.