We love our PTA! By building strong links between school and home, we cultivate healthy working relationships to enhance all-around education for our pupils. We support charities and fund educational experiences and activities for our children.
Parent representatives
Each class at IPS elects one or two Parent Representatives (formerly class parents). Through this new initiative, we are forging even closer links between home and school. Parent Representatives meet with the Head of School, usually every three weeks, to receive updates on progress within the school and to discuss how well it is going within each class or form. These parents liaise with all the other parents in each class to ensure effective two-way communication within our community.
Charity work
With the help of the PTA, IPS Cascais supports several charities both locally and abroad and gears up in its own small way to respond to emergencies throughout the world whenever the need arises. Parents support by helping organise a variety of fun events and monies raised are used to support our charities or educational experiences for the children either at school or in local venues.
- Cheese & wine evening
- Halloween costume swap
- Usborne book sale
- Second-hand uniform sale
- Halloween bake sale
- PTA Christmas fair
- International day at school
- Carnival parade
- Bake, book, and second-hand uniform sale
- PTA quiz night
- Summer fayre
Giving back to our parents
We are so grateful to our very supportive group of parents and like to reciprocate. Building on the familial atmosphere at IPS Cascais, we offer keep-fit sessions and tennis lessons at school when the children are not using the facilities.
Your concerns
IPS Cascais has a full range of policies designed for all aspects of school life, including a ‘Safeguarding Children’ Policy and a ‘Complaints’ Policy dedicated to the welfare of the children in our care and to how we respond to your concerns when and if they arise. All our policies can be found in our Policy Document.
PTA feedback
We have created a new PTA feedback form for parents.
We trust that any questions or concerns you have regarding your child's education have already been shared directly with his or her class teacher or with the School Leadership Team. If, however, you feel that you need the PTA's support with any issue, please use this form. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to make an appointment with either the Head of School, Neil Morris, or a member of our Senior Management Team.